Humbling Rappers : Exposing the BS!!
Often enough I am online reading blogs forums and now twitter and obviously everyone has embraced being a rapper and wanting to fit the lifestyle of players in the genre. Now im gonna keep the shit 100 the shit is fucking disgusting. Time and time again I see or read things that make me say that’s fucking impossible for that to be your life. Does any of this sound familiar:
“Just left the studio its 5am im bout to get 2 hours of sleep and be back up to go work out and back to the studio.”
“yall niggas are lames I hit the ( insert store name) and splurge in the recession like its nothing!!”
“Just left the club spent a few stacks at the bar and just made it ran for fun”
I could do this forever. Now let’s be real …………fuck where do I start….. ok let’s start with being in the studio till 5 am in the morning everyday all day. The problem with this all the cats I see that say that never have any music and if they do its like one decent song. There is never this body of work that make you say this nigga be working his ass off. To me it seems that they put up this perception of working the entire time make you believe they work hard. If you actually believe niggas are in the studio making music till 5am every day of the week all month all year then I must ask you to seek medical attention. The reality is they may be in the studio till the wee hours but at about 2 am they stop making music to start talking a bunch of shit about music or fucking bitches and such. If you were at the studio all night then back at the day when do you have time for you and ya family? Or does it take you that long to record those lukewarm records cus you still working on ya delivery. If you want to convince me I need to see and hear an above average body of work. Don’t have to be all hits just above average. On a side note how about a few where you help the beat and not the beat helping ur lack of ability moving on.
Recently i watched a humbling experience happen in front of my eyes when a nigga had his hot item break down on him. A $35k car got busted up by hit and run. Now if it was up to rappers we would lead you to believe that every bar of every word was real life and as the audience you know that’s not the case. Many of rappers sometimes blur the line of their reality to the rap fantasy they create. I watch this rapper boast and brag about the fantasy life and wanted folks to believe it. I never called his bluff although I know how he gets what he gets and why he gets it. At some point he made the line so blurry I think he started to believe his music was getting him somewhere although he doesn’t do shows or sell music. these ppl usually run their mouth about how much they are writing showing you a few bars telling you when they get ready to record and who they working with and how everything is fire and to just wait cus its coming soon. Im sure this sounds very familiar to many of you. Well 35k got hit by a Avalanche and total beyond repair with no insurance. How humbling to watch the big paper baller whine about their car and not knowing what to do. In my mind im thinking shit you got that paper mr rapper go ahead and get it like its nothing . needless to say he aint talking that baller shit but when he do ill give him a friendly down to earth reminder.
My point is we should humble these guys. We need to make it our duty to take the game back from the pretenders. I am far more willing to work with ppl who talk a regular real life than always talking the fantasy rap life. Im a hard working cat with a large amount of work and I never have the desire to be up everyday all night . sure we pull a few all nighters in a row from time to time but we do like to fuck and hang out with friends and fam. Sure we buy bullshit we don’t need but we also hit financial woes and pay bills. We have to stop letting these guys who don’t embody the real life we live as rappers. These are the guys who tell ppl to go sell dope and make up dope prices and talk about cars and guns they really think they have stashed somewhere. Some of these guys hate the police and aint ever been harassed in they life.
Final point goes to the rappers that do this : I understand that you want to be like ur favorite rapper or have the same qualities of that guy so you recreate your life from his lyrics. But understand this they get paid to get people to believe in their persona. But these ppl get exposed all the time and you will be no exception. I have never drink or smoke that I know of lol but if I was to start rapping about how blown I get or duck I get there are ppl out there ready to say that nigga Rowe aint ever did this and that or have this and that. So when you saying the bullshit and spewing your lying truths think about all the ppl who know you are lying and if what you are saying is worth being exposed!
Till next time peace
And im back on my blog ish give me time to knock the rust off but ima keep it 100 as I know and experience things! Give me topics that I can go off in